Only marked bad on shipping because USPS is trash and doesn't represent Skymo in any way.
Product is crazy well designed. I have some time behind a printer and he definitely knows what he's doing. Switches (toggle) are of high quality. I work in Energy Delivery and I know quality when I see it. Exceptionally easy to install, you will need tools. I would recommend: ratcheting crimper, wire strippers and lugs to use on the toggle switches as well as a meter. I used a 6 conductor #14 cable for 3 paired runs to the 3 switches. Use the meters "ohm" (beep) feature to find out which position the switches are in for orientation of up and down (on off). I used a 3/8 spade bit to bore the hole in my chevy inlet where the housing sits. I used the same spade bit to route the wires thru the bottom of the inlet.
Love it, Thanks bro!!!